7 Layer Bean Dip

Football season has kicked off which means, it’s time to gather!

My husband likes to serve up a buffet of games on multiple t.v. screens, while I enjoy serving up a variety of fun foods in the kitchen.

No party spread is complete without this staple… bean dip. But, not just any dip, one that’s deep, has a lot of layers to it, sort of like myself.  😉

This 7 layer dip, is always my go-to and it’s such a crowd pleaser.

What I love, is that you can make this as healthy or as indulgent as you like. You can go all out on the veggie portion to really up the nutrients.

You can adjust the ingredients to any dietary preferences, so if you’re vegan choose dairy-free products that support that. If you’re keto, you can go full-fat on the cheese and so on.  Lots of possibilities with this little dish.

You can also slide in some nutrients with some healthy chips. There’s grain-free options, or I really like this chia tortilla chip.

I slip chia seeds in everything for the protein and fiber, so this is right up my ally!

You can easily add in additional veggies to mix up the flavor. I like adding bell pepper on occasion and sliced jalapeño. Tomatoes are great. You ca even top it with a little fresh lettuce for a little crispness.

Most of these bean dip recipes also have added corn. You could totally add 1/2 cup in with your veggie layer. I left it out purposely since corn is starchy and I’m trying to cut out sugar. Corn can be problematic on many levels, so it’s good to limit it, if you can.

To break this down, you’ll do the bean layer, the sour cream layer, avocado layer, veggie layer-salsa/tomato chilis, black olives, then top with green onion and cilantro.

Sound easy enough?

Here’s what you’ll need for the seven layer sensation!


1 can pinto refried beans
2 to 3 tablespoons water
2 avocados
juice of one lime
2 tablespoons cilantro
1 chopped garlic clove
1/4 teaspoon salt (to taste)
1 cup dairy-free sour cream
1 taco seasoning packet
10 ounce tomato chili can
3 tablespoons salsa
1/4 cup grated cheese
10 ounce can black olives
2 green onions
2 tablespoons cilantro (garnish)


1. Warm pinto beans in a pan with 2 to 3 tablespoons of water to thin it out.

2. Spread beans in 9×7 Pyrex pan.

3. Mix together sour cream and taco seasoning, spread over beans.

4.  Make avocado layer- 2 avocados, juice of one lime, 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro, one grated garlic clove. Mix together then spread over sour cream layer.

5. Make veggie layer. Drain tomato chili’s, spread over avocado layer, dollop salsa over chili’s. (Add in corn, bell pepper, tomato, jalapeño or any other veggie here.)

6. Grate cheese over veggie layer.

7. Sprinkle black olives

8. Top with green onion and cilantro and serve.


*if you don’t have a tomato chili can, you can just use all salsa for that layer about 1/2 cup.